An interview with Scott Pearce, the winner of
the 2006 NCSC Songwriting Contest

Scott Pearce

Recorded November 26th, 2006
The interview includes both of his winning songs and a bonus track by Scott:
"No Tears", "Short Time Here", and "I'm Gonna Burn the Crackhouse Down"
copyright Scott Pearce, used by permission.
 Interview, editing, and podcast by GoldHat Music.

You can stream the interview with Scott here:

Part 1 - Scott discusses his background, his first guitar, being in the contest, inspiration
                           from tragedy, and "No Tears" (11:52)

Part 2 - Scott discusses his song "Short Time Here" and songwriting (10:11)

Part 3 - Scott talks about the blues, his visit to Willie Nelson's studio, and his song
                           "I'm Gonna Burn the Crackhouse Down" (15:16)


Photos by Eileen Batson
Click on a photo to enlarge


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